
Current and Upcoming Projects

  As part of the Workshop, I would like to give a more frequent and up to date accounting of all current and upcoming projects.  The table below gives the working title of each project, an estimate of how close the project is to completion and the most current form of the WIP. I will also use the table for projects that are at best in their "idea" phase as an exercise in brainstorming.  Please remember that we are always open to collaboration and I welcome comments, criticisms, requests and collaboration inquiries. ___________________________________________________________________________________ LPA3 Hatunallpa :  An adventure set in a remote part of Lopango where the PCs must brave a megadungeon in order to awaken a somnolent sun god. LPA4 Wanusupay : A combination adventure and supplement giving the necromantic Supay gnomes the spotlight. LPM7 The Omm-Wa :  A small supplement detailing the manatee-folk and all things related. PSC4 The Chaos Spire :  An ...

The Ccoa: LPS1

  The Ccoa A powerful elemental spirit that takes the form of a cat and must be appeased or it can bring ruin to both crops and life. An expansion for LPS1 Monsters of Lopango Real World Inspiration . The ccoa is a creature from the Quechua tribes of Peru. It is a spirit of the storms that is said to have power over many of the worst aspects of the weather.  Lopango .  In Lopango the ccoa appears much like a cat with gray fur striped with black that travel the length of its body. When using its powers, hail flows from its eyes like tears.  The ccoa is a fickle creature, quick to anger and often quite vindictive. It can be appeased by frequent offerings of treasures but it does not distinguish between those with the means to do so, and those who cannot. Thus, it is particularly cruel to the poor, often destroying crops with its powers and even blasting the occasional farmer with its powerful lightning strikes. 

The Iridian Eyrie: PSS1

 The Iridian Eyrie A new concept for the Plane of Rainbows which included a new subspecies of aarakocra, a new giant eagle and the history of their home.   An expansion for PSS1 The Wonders of Radiance In an ancient age dragons hunted birdfolk to near extinction on a world which the survivors have now long since forgotten. Even the story of their passing into the Plane of Rainbows has only scant details in legend.  What is known is that the birdfolk did not find an easy life in their first years in the Limitless Light. While their ability to fly let them easily travel from floating island to island, it always seemed that they would come into conflict one of the native races. Perhaps because they were considered a territorial threat, they were attacked by rainbow serpents, ravids, and even the occasional glimmerfolk or chroma war party.  The birdfolk expanded ever outwards searching for a permanent home which finally became a reality when they discovered the radiant e...

The Green Star: LPM5 Enhancement

  The Green Star The green comet known elsewhere as Alharazade is one of the few proud legacies of the Gold Clad Giant Kings of Lopango.  Its true name,  Kumahira , is used only by the giants and this is the story of the famous comet.   An expansion for the  LMP5 The Gold-Clad Giant Kings . Note:  This enhancement is inspired by, and adapted from the Green Star Adept prestige class from the 3.5e sourcebook The Complete Arcane . Long ag o the people of the distant land of Zakhara observed a great green comet that appears in skies of Toril  once every 87 years.  They named it Alharazade, but none know the origin of this name, nor do they know the true significance of the comet.  It  seems to always shine brightest in the equally distant land of  Lopango where its native Natican people call it Q’umirchasca (simple translation of the “Green Star”).   If these disparate folk were to know its true origin however, they might...

Books by Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli

Books by Nicol á s Carrillo-Santarelli Nicol á s Carrillo has been one of the longest standing members of the Maztica Alive team.  He has created his own sub-setting within the  sub-setting that already is Maztica and the True World known as Esmeralda.  Esmeralda is an island with an extraordinary history and currently remains under equally extraordinary circumstances. Note that Mr. Carrillo's independent books will be tagged under TWE in order to represent their connection to the island of Esmeralda.  In years past, each product was given a TWC tag in line with a now outdated system. TWE1 Esmeralda Esmeralda, an island where several Republics seceded from a racist Empire still attempting to reconquer the lands it lost - independent Republics now facing terrorist threats and transnational organized crime; an island where restless spirits and Fae threaten mortals; where Faerûnian magic is not reliable and firearms have been developed; where an International Tribunal i...

The Glimmerfolk: PCS1 Enhancement

  The Glimmerfolk An update and expansion to the glimmerfolk    playable species first introduced in Dragon Magazine #321 and updated in  PSC1 Limitless Light Artwork by Reagan Hild Glimmerfolk Traits As one of the glimmerfolk, you have the following traits.  Creature Type . You are a Humanoid. Size . Your size is Medium. Speed . Your walking speed is 30 feet.  Darkvision . You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were in dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.  Natural Performer . You have proficiency in the Performance skill.  Born of Radiance . You have advantage on saving throws against spells that use darkness or shadows.  Nimlis . You have three glowing motes of lite that orbit around you. These motes are two inches in diameter, they are insubstantial, immune to all forms of damage, and shed dim light in a 15 foot radius. The light cannot be suppres...

LPA4 Wanusupay (Against the Gnomes)

I know the name is silly, but I am really considering calling this project “Against the Gnomes”. In an adventure that would involve the King of Ghouls, a cannibalistic ritual of epic proportions and material from the old 3.5E Book of Vile Darkness, I think the silly contrast might just be too much. What do you think? Anyway, I want to propose a new adventure and see if anyone thinks it worthy of pursuit. Check out the adventure background below and let me know if it’s something you might be interested in.  Note that I will be repeating this post on the Piazza to hopefully elicit more feedback  

The Gellid One: LPA2 Enhancement

  The Gellid One An ancient agent of chaos beholden to the power of the evil archomental of cold, Cryonax.  An enhancement for LPA2 Halcyon Days An ancient being from a time before history, the Gellid One is a devoted servant of the archomental Cryonax, if ever such a chaotic being could be said to have devotion.  At one time, the Gellid One was a powerful obyrith demon known as a sibriex - a warper of flesh whose ministrations were feared even by other demons. Cryonax captured the vile fiend and in time, altered its very nature.  Now the sibriex is a creature of both cold and chaos, and it is bolstered by the very essence of Cryonax himself. The Gellid One has continued to warp other beings, but it saves its cruelest ministries for creatures of elemental cold. The Jellied   There are dozens of bizarre elemental mutations created by the sibriex, but of them all, the Jellied are the most well known. These pitiable beings were once normal ice mephits but they...

Mazyron Magen: LPM4 Enhancement

 Mazyron Magen The mazyron is a new magen with the special ability to turn the enemies of its creator into stone.  A new enhancement for LPM4 Krin Dolan The awakened magen Alraim is effectively the the “ruler” of the ruined Netherese Enclave of Krin Dolan. Like the great archwizard who created him, Alraim continually experiments to create more of his own kind. He is responsible for the invention of the magen of both fire and ice known as the kyron and forzen respectively. Those two successes were long ago, and Alraim has gotten to work once again.  Just recently Alraim has discovered the proper formula for creating yet a new form, one which if he can awaken, he will consider to rule by his side as a queen. Two short years ago a medusa stumbled upon the hidden enclave, and Alraim became fascinated with her ability to turn fleshy beings into statues. Alraim slew the medusa but kept her head. He was certain that her unique ability lay somewhere within it, whether it be the e...

The Door of Stars: MZA4 Enhancement

  The Door of Stars   A portal to an almost infinite number of adventure locations, all with Mesoamerican themes.  An expansion for MZA4 The Mother of Life About The Door of Stars was introduced in the third stage of the adventure, the Mother of Life.  In it, the player characters needed to convince the mountain dwelling Otomi humans to allow them to use a fabled portal which was hidden deep in the mountains.  They would need to use a certain sequence of crystals to open the gateway specifically to a realm known as Mechica, an Aztec-themed location on another world which was first introduced in the February 1983 issue of Dragon Magazine (Issue #70) . The Door of Stars is undoubtedly inspired by the Stargate franchise with a Mesoamerican theme instead of one that is Egyptian, but the idea should not conclude its use at a single adventure.  Using the Door of Stars Mesoamerican themed gaming is an oddly rare treat.  Certainly there are adventure...