Howler Wasp Hive: ANM1 Enhancement

 Howler Wasp Hive

An assault on the enemies of the Bee Tribe. 

An expansion for ANM1 The Bee Tribe of Anchorome

The Bee Tribe plays a crucial role in maintaining peace between the minnenewah tribes to the east and the various bug folk (particularly the abeil) to their west. They serve as an intermediary for both trade and territorial negotiations.

However, the Bee Tribe has problems of their own and any disruption to their important duty could lead to strife in Anchorome. 

This is why adventurers could be hired by any number of Anchoromian species to help the Bee Tribe eradicate one of their primary enemies, a nest of vicious howler wasps. Creatures created by a mad shaman that have features of both giant wasps and carnivorous primates. The rewards are tangible (DM can set an appropriate gold reward), but the gratitude of both the minnenewah and the insect folk may indeed be priceless. 

The Hive

The howler wasp hive is made of a paper like material, but it is mixed with mud, clay, and wood pulp. There are also bones and various hides interspersed throughout the structure, making the hive a hideous place to behold. The hive is certainly flammable, but setting it aflame will not destroy the entire structure, though it will certainly alarm all of its inhabitants, inciting a swarm that would be quite difficult to combat all at once. 

The PCs best tactics would be to attack with stealth, lest the hive become aware of the attack and congregate to repel an invasion. 

Map by Dyson Logos

  1. Hive Entrance. One of two entrances to the howler wasp hive, this is the only entrance that can be reached by non-flyers. The ten foot climb from ground level is simple as the paper-like structure has plenty of handholds. Unfortunately, a swarm of rot grubs is feasting on some of the decaying matter and it will be happy to consume fresher meat. 
  2. Guards Area 2a and 2B have a total of five howler wasps between them. They are keen on watching the entrance and will swarm to the attack. 
  3. Underground Complex. A hint that the hive was not entirely created by the howler wasps alone is the sophisticated construction of the complex below ground. Rooms 3a, 3b and 3c are empty of howler wasps or any other creature, but the walls and the rest of the structure were clearly created by skilled hands. 
  4. Slithering Shaman. The former occupant of the hive, before it was usurped by the howler wasps was a hermetic shaman of questionable morality. This shaman is responsible for the creation of the howler wasps and the summoning of the chasme in the upper hive. Cursed by his actions, the Great Spirits have turned him into a loathsome Slithering Tracker who now prowls the underhalls of the hive. The only remnant of his time as a human is the set of Dimensional Shackles he once used to imprison creatures of the Spirit World.
  5. Upper Hive Guards. Being closer to the queens chamber, there are more howler wasp guards here than in the guard rooms below. A total of 9 howler wasps keep a close eye on both the central shaft and the upper hive entrance. There is a dead bee tribe warrior in 5a who carried a small purse of turquoise worth 200 gp. 
  6. Upper Hive Entrance. Used as the primary entrance and exit by the howler wasps, the upper hive entrance can only be reached by flyers.  Considered their unshakable attention, this entrance cannot be entered without the notice of the howler wasps in the upper hive guard room. 
  7. Honey Box The walls in these four chambers are covered in a sickly flesh colored honey-like substance that some refer to as “meat honey.”  This is an accurate description as the sweet substance is infused with the rotting flesh of the victims. The honey is not consumable by humanoids who take 2d6 poison damage if they attempt to eat the disgusting substance and fail a DC 13 Constitution check. There are also eight howler wasps inattentively consuming the substance here (two per room).  
  8. The Queen Consort. A vile chasme once summoned by the shaman who created the howler wasps remains here by choice as the “consort” to the howler wasp queen. The chasme holds no loyalty to the queen and will not rush to her aid if she is attacked. However, it will initiate its Drone ability if the queen is losing the battle in anticipation of its own upcoming battle. 
  9. The Queen’s Chamber. The fat howler wasp queen sits in this chamber among its wriggling brood of a half dozen howler wasp larva. The queen will immediately attack with abandon, knowing full well it has no means of escape. The larva have the same statistics as a giant centipede and assist their mother against intruders. 


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