Books by Dion Fernandez

Dion Fernandez, who runs the Ravenloft based blog the Midway Haven Observatory has produced two wonderful little products back in 2016 that could certainly fit within a True World Campaign.  

For ease of reference, these books will be tagged using the system common to Maztica Alive! even though they have not been given by the original author.  For Mr. Fernandez's books we will be using "TWF" for (T)rue (W)orld books by Dion (F)ernandez.

TWF1 The Smoky Mirror

Half a world away from Faerûn, distant Maztica is a place of alien cultures, bloodthirsty warriors and strange feathered magic. Its abundant riches, however, are the ultimate prize of explorers; hundreds, if not thousands, have braved the Trackless Sea to plunder its wealth, and only a few lucky souls return home to relish the treasures they have taken from the True World.

The clash of cultures, though, does not go only westward. What was taken from Maztica can still exert a powerful influence on those who live on the Sword Coast, in ways that its hapless inhabitants could not possibly comprehend.

Presented in detail in this manuscript is The Smoky Mirror, a powerful artifact with a full history and a single-minded goal--but only those who possess it can truly know what its real motives are.

TWF2 Children of Qotal

The Children of Qotal is a minor faction that has existed in Faerun for more than 200 years. Created shortly after the plunder of Maztica, and having survived the blue fires of the Spellplague, it now watches over Maztica's influence in Faerun, beneath the eyes of the other great factions, working in silence to perform the will of the Feathered Dragon.
