The DMsGuild hosts each Maztica Alive! article and book and once a campaign reaches fifteen products, I like to organize them all into a singular bundle. Here is each book organized by campaign and a tagging system I tried to model from TSR's back in earlier editions. I us e "AN" to identify an Anchôromé Campaign product, "MZ" to identify a Maztica Campaign product, "LP" for Lopango, "PS" for the Planes and Stars and "TW" for additional books produced by other authors that don't necessarily fit within one of the campaigns. The third letter of each tag really denotes the relative size and function of a product. The letter "C" is used for campaign guides, "S" for larger supplements, such as monstrous compendiums or regional guides, "A" represents adventures and finally "M" represents articles and shorter supplements. The system isn't perfectly defined and on occasion I have strugg...
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