Duklijfrimben: ANM6 Enhancement



A turquoise dragon greatwyrm for the ANM6 The Turquoise Dragon supplement

Duklijfrimben, who is sometimes known as the Blue Duke, or even just Duke among allies, is the first of the turquoise dragons to "ascend" to the status of a greatwyrm.  Typically, enhanced dragonsight and the merging with one's echoes on other worlds is the means for a dragon to become a greatwyrm, but Duke is likely alone in the multiverse and has had no echoes with which to merge.

Instead, Duklijfrimben has reached his exalted status at the behest of the Mighty Spirit Hli'akwa, who has infused the dragon with power, and sponsored his ascension only recently.   The Blue Duke was the first among the turquoise dragons to hatch and he has dedicated most of his existence into ensuring the safety of the young among his kind.   Hli'akwa admired this softness in the ancient dragon and imbued him with his very own essence.  

Some now believe Duke to be Hli'akwa or vice versa and it is often difficult to determine if they have become one and the same.  Medicine men among the minnenewah have heard Duke speak aloud in his overpowering voice to the Mighty Spirit however, so there is certain to be distinction between the two.


Elders who know of the Blue Duke mistake him as a divine being, and when they do. it is often as a protection spirit for the young.   Duklijfrimben loves children of all species, and has been known to defend the children of even the most violently evil species.  Duke believes that youth is potential, and that the young should never suffer.  Childhood is meant to be enjoyed.

Duklijfrimben also wishes to propagate his kind and spread them both across the world of Toril, and the multiverse as a whole.  Duke is actively searching out both turquoise dragons whom are willing to give some of their eggs to this greater cause, and adventurers to transport the eggs to other worlds.  Duke has numerous spell scrolls with Dream of the Blue Veil (see Tasha's Cauldron of Everythingthat he will happily share with such heroes if they are willing to make the journey.

Duke is also obssessed with the dragon god Sardior and has heard rumors of the deity's thanes.  Though he knows the time is certainly far off in the future, he wishes to one day join the thanes in their quest to return the great Ruby Dragon.


Duklijfrimben has the statistics of a Gem Greatwyrm, which can be found in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons.  However, the Blue Duke has an additional breath weapon that he can use to heal instead of harm.  

When Duklijfrimben's breath weapon is charged, he may choose to breath a 300 foot cone of light blue colored energy instead of the usual crushing force.  All creatures in this cone are healed of 44 (10d8) Hit Points up to their maximum.  Duke cannot choose to exclude creatures within this cone, though undead and constructs receive no benefit.

Gem Mite

Long ago when the Blue Duke was simply an ancient dragon, he performed some experiments on gems in his hoard, giving them life. These “gem mites” as he came to calling them have helped protect his hoard much like the creatures known as hoard scarabs. Unfortunately gem mites and hoard scarabs, as Duklijfrimben found out, will not coexist in a hoard and will attempt to kill one another. SDespite this flaw, like all life, Duke has come to love his tiniest of friends. 
