Workshop: LPM6 The Omm-Wa
D&D has always been about monsters to me. As a kid, I obsessed over Godzilla and brought home books from the library about monsters from myth and legend or just those with great monster art on the cover.
This is actually what led me into D&D as a neighborhood friend brought over the 1e Monster Manual.
To this day, they are still my favorite part of the game and when I feel like reading, I open up one of the old monster books from any edition. They always bring inspiration.
Such is the case with the omm-wa, though I have had my eye on them for years with Lopango. I once tried to write up a 3e version of them called the "omara" in my retired book Monsters of the True World.
They are one of the few creatures in that book that I have not yet updated and after reading through the Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium (which unfortunately, does not seem to be on DMsGuild yet), I realized it was high time I should do so.
So what are the omm-wa? Well, to be fair, they are nothing more than (slightly) anthropomorphic manatee-folk. Their appearance brings nothing special in past editions. I believe it was only their flippers that became hand-like so that there was an excuse to give them the ability to wield weapons like nets, tridents and even underwater crossbows.
My plans were to do the following:
- Give them a reason to be in Lopango, considering their origins on the Savage Coast of Mystara.
- Make their appearance more interesting.
- Make them playable.
So here we have them; the manatee-folk are not just furries, they are tribal tattooed furries! 🤷
Playable Omm-wa
I don't know the statistics, but I am assuming there is not a large percentage of games currently being played that remain completely within an underwater environment. This makes playing omm-wa quite a challenge.
Thus we introduce the omaru. No, not the omara; those are my abandoned earlier 3e version. Omaru are a subspecies of omm-wa that actually have legs. Inspired by the malenti born among sahuagins, I figured there could be a rare subspecies of omm-wa born to walk the land. I included their origins in the history section and voilĂ , playable omm-wa.
So that's it. I'd like to finish this part of the Workshop with a link to the current WIP (there's not too much as of now) in addition to the Piazza forum link where the book is also being discussed. Please let me know if you have any criticisms, praise or suggestions! If the link is broken in the future, please note this is because it was taken down in lieu of a more recent WIP.
Current WIP: LPM6 The Omm-wa WIP 01-08-24
Discussion of the Omm-Wa of Lopango on the Piazza
Made some progress creating a new background and some magic items, particularly the aforementioned tattoos.
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