Workshop: PSS2 Monsters of the Spirit World (Released 1-21-24)

There is currently something going on with Google Drive, such that images can no longer be shared into programs like GMBinder directly from the drive and this has pretty much put a hold on every one of my projects.  It's apparently a big issue and Google is working on it so I will just be patient.

With that being said, I have other ways (such as using Imgur) to share images, I just don't feel like going back and replacing the dozens I already have set.  So instead, I am starting anew on a brand new project that I wasn't expecting to do.

A new monster book!

I am calling it Monsters of the Spirit World and it will be a "spiritual successor" (pun intended) to Morte's Planar Parade.  I want to update and create a whole new batch of creatures for the planes and terrestrial locales that haven't been seen yet in 5e anywhere.  

This is a book for the True World, as they all are, but I also wanted to increase its reachability for those who have no interest in Maztica, Lopango or Anchôromé.  I will write most of the creatures up as if it were campaign neutral, but still include a separate section connecting it to the True World if one isn't in the original description.  

Finally, I am including an "origin" for each creature detailing where else it has appeared in the long history of D&D if it is an update or where the inspiration came from if it is a new creation.

I will be taking a few obscure creatures from Mystara and Greyhawk, honestly, because they're awesome!

The Spirit World, which is considered an alternate Astral Plane in the 3.5 Edition Manual of the Planes, is detailed here rather as individual portions of the Great Wheel in order to be consistent with previous products and to increase the use folks might get from picking up the completed product.

Here is the first WIP, let me know what you think! 

PSS2 Monsters of the Spirit Realm  (WIP 1-14-24) (Removed for Current WIP)

Updated 1-14-24

I purchased this absolutely amazing piece of artwork today and have written the creature up as a mount for the Prince of Good Elementals, Zaaman Rul.  I was off today so I had time to add about five more creatures.  Check out the new WIP as well.  

PSS2 Monsters of the Spirit Realm (WIP 1-16-24) (Removed for Current WIP)

Updated 1-16-24

Added a whole bunch more monsters and started using a little more AI artwork in addition to purchasing a few more pieces like the work below from Jeremy Hart.  I know its supposed to be "alien" but I thought it was terrifying enough to be a devil.

Just a quick FYI, I may only share one more WIP after this one because I am planning on stopping at twenty-five creatures and I already have fifteen done.  I need to save some for the final product!

PSS2 Monsters of the Spirit Realm (WIP 1-18-24) (Removed for Released Product)

Updated 1-18-24

Here is a link for five free copies.


  1. I am having trouble with your second WIP link or the link is broken. I can’t seam to be able to pull it up. The first link still works.

    1. It should be fixed now. Thank you for notifying me.

  2. It’s working now. Thank you. Great work by the way.

    There might be a typo on the Alcor entry. It says that the Blacktoe Glacier is in northern Lopango. Shouldn’t that be northern Anchorome?

    1. Ah yes it is! Thank you again. This will need a read through before it is released.


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