Workshop: LPA3 Valley of the Puma

Hatunallpa, the megadungeon I have been working on was already going to be a tough project to complete, but now with Google Drive no longer serving as a host to images, I will have to replace the entire set of images using Imgur.  I'm pretty upset about this, and I will have to shelve Hatunallpa for a time (I promise it will be completed though!).

This new development however, still leaves me feeling as if I absolutely need another exciting adventure for Lopango however.

So I am coming back to an idea I had a long time ago when I was working on LPS1 Monsters of Lopango, and that is an adventure called the Valley of the Puma.

Some of my favorite monsters in LPS1 were the werepuma, the updated leskylor from the 3.5 Edition Book of Exalted Deeds, and the llama-fiend known as the qarqacha.  They are all going to feature heavily in this adventure.

I also still want to add new playable races to Lopango and I thought a werepuma-descended longtooth shifter would be fun.   Maybe I will adjust their appearance or abilities slightly for Lopango when they show up in the project.

The adventure is still mostly in the brainstorming phase but I have a semblance of an introduction and another fantastic map by Dyson Logos to start with.  Let's see what you think of the first WIP.

LPA3 Valley of the Puma (WIP 1-22-24)

Updated 1-22-24


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